Autumn Activities Bundle
Autumn is my favourite time of year, not just because we get to see the beautiful autumn colours in nature but because it’s also great for doing some fun crafts and activities with the kids. Crafting is a great way to boost emotional resilience because it is a creative and social experience, both of these aspects support resilience challenges now and later in life. Crafting with your child gives you both a sense of shared purpose and meaning, which can help to build and strengthen emotional bonds. When doing craft activities with a group of children the activity can encourage social play and cooperation which also helps to build social and emotional skills. Alongside this, the achievement of having made something themselves is extremely empowering for children and and adults alike and this sense of achievement brings a hugely positive emotional response. On the other hand, being able to accept however the activity turns out also has its emotional resilience benefits as they can try again to build on and improve their skills. Whatever to get unto this autumn, have fun with these activities made with love, just for you and your little stars.