Kindness By Design

A little while ago I caught up with my friend and fellow writer Anita Butler to discuss my Little Star Studio and how it all started. I'd like to share what she wrote with you, as its been a while and sometimes its good to see just how far you have come in order to see where you are going.

Thank you again Anita for your lovely words.

Samantha Williams is on a mission to spread a message of love and compassion, with the aim of helping new generations to heal the world. She talks to Anita Butler to explain how. 

At first sight, Sam's delightful stories are more suited to very small children. Simple rhyming tales, they feature cute characters learning about the world through everyday situations. But don't let their pared down style fool you. Exploring themes such as sibling rivalry, facing your fears, self-worth, identity – even death – the stories contain powerful messages that resonate with older readers too.

"I wrote the books with young children in mind," says Sam, "but adults tell me they've been moved reading them and I think this is why they share my stories with others. Which is wonderful, if the messages mean something to parents I hope they can discuss them with their children, who will benefit even more."

Sam is passionate about how stories' can help people learn about the world and themselves. "Stories can be great teachers," she says. "They can help children define their own values and give them the confidence to stand by who they are. In doing so they can learn to make real connections with people, inspire others and help make our world a nicer place to be for everyone."

Sam's own experiences coming of age at the turn of the century were instrumental in getting her started with stories. I grew up with people saying, 'As long as you work hard you can have anything you like in life.' And I did everything that I was meant to do. But then I came out of university and was utterly depressed for about 2 years. After moving to London to chase my fortunes like so many other people did, I realised that chasing money to move up the ladder of consumerism was not fulfilling me the way I was expecting. I ended up being burnt out and desperately wanted out of the London rat race."

But it was years later, after moving to Amsterdam that things began to come into focus. "I'd been working for a few companies and the last one was a big multinational that made me so angry. They way they treated their staff and how they viewed the customers it was distressing. I didn't want any part of it, I left feeling deflated, and totally powerless. 

That was when things changed, I was introduced to Russell Brands YouTube channel the Trews. My friend told me I had to watch because it was awesome. Over the next few months subjects I would never have previously been interested in were opening up to me in a way I could not only understand but were engaging and humorous. I was absolutely hooked from day one and was motivated to do something, but still hadn’t figured out what. 

It wasn't long after that, that my partner and I decided to take some time out and go traveling during that time I had this idea to write a story for my friends little girl, at first I didn't think much of it but then I started thinking that this might be how I could do something.  

Coming home to Devon England, she not only came full circle but also felt a new sense of purpose in how to use her skills. "I'd written a couple of stories but hadn't got anything together in any particular way. But once I knew what I wanted to do, it was as if the universe conspired to help me and I found myself surrounded with supportive people who could assist. It still took a long time but everything was moving in the right direction."

In addition to writing stories and designing products from her Little Star Design studio, Sam is also growing a constellation of little stars to create positive change with kindness. Visitors to her website, young and old, are invited to take the Little Star Pledge to take ownership of the message and pass it on by incorporating it into their personal and professional lives.

Kindness, says Sam, should always be our first response to any situation. "Just taking a moment to think 'How can I help you?’ when you meet someone helps you deal with situations in a compassionate way. The characters in my books – Lolly, the Little Star and Mila Bug – are little helpers who spread that message."

It's a message that includes being kind to yourself, too. "I realised that you do have to work hard, but its so important to take care of yourself. I love writing and illustrating stories that hold true to this message, so that they can help make a better world. That's why my motto is 'Love yourself, Love others, Love the planet.’"

"Stories really are everything, and a great one can change the world."

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